5 Reasons Why Blog Is Important For Your Website

Apr 2016

Posted by: Category:Web Content Writing

Acquiring more visitors on your website is the most challenging thing for any marketer. Though the number of internet users has increased at a rapid pace, the marketers have to toil equally to engage them on their website. With so many options available, your visitors will quickly switch to your competitor if your website fails to solve their purpose. There can be various reasons why a visitor will find your website entertaining and engaging. Blog is one such thing which can attract maximum visitors to your website.

5 Reasons Why Blog Is Important For Your Website

Though it might sound amusing but there are many visitors who keep visiting your website just because they find something interesting in it. As a business owner it would be similar to wasting your money and time if you are going for irrelevant content to engage more traffic. If your blog has all the necessary information which your visitor is looking for, he will surely hit your call-to-action buttons. Once your visitors will like your blogs, there will share it on the social networking sites, making it more popular. Some of the reasons why blog is important for your website is given below.

1. It adds value:- Through blogs you can add value to your website. The readers of your blog will surely share your blog if they find it informative and interesting. Just add a nice little social sharing widget in your blog and help it to become more popular. The sharing of your blog with millions of active members on social media will increase your revenues.

2. It increases engagement:- A good blog can do marketing for itself. If you will post a really informative and interesting blog on your website, it will attract more visitors. These visitors might create a community discussing various aspects of your blog. There is a possibility that others bloggers will also join you. Visitor engagement is the key to more business.

3. It positions you as an expert:- If your website is offering some sort of products and services, positioning yourself as an expert can really help you. People are more likely to buy from someone who has an established track record. Your blogs can project you as an expert in the respective field, thus gaining the confidence of your visitors.

4. It provides additional entry points:- Search engines love fresh, useful and relevant content on any website and give them better ranking. By adding latest and relevant blogs on your website, you can increase the traffic. Generating traffic through blogs is much easier and cheaper than the other advertising methods. Write relevant and interesting blogs to get better ranking on SERP.

5. It helps in marketing:- Since your blogs will be read and shared by many readers, it can be the best marketing tool for your website. As your readers trust is already built, you will not have to give excessive efforts. Your blogs will serve the purpose of a skilled salesman who will convince its customers. Add interesting blogs on your website to market your offerings well.

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