How To Increase Your Site Traffic By 55% With On-Site Blog

Category:Internet Marketing


Getting more traffic is the forefront challenge for any website over the Internet. There are millions of websites in web-o-sphere and among them, thousands are your competitors targeting the same audience in your niche. So what to do? How to get out of the rat race and make sure that your website outperforms all your competitors.

Fortunately there is a way. Blog.

It is proven that blog can increase your traffic up to 55%. Due to emerging Internet trends and agonizing search algorithms emphasizing on informative nature of websites, it has became quite necessary for every single website to have an on-site blog to get higher rank and more exposure in terms of online traffic. We ourselves have tried it at Smartinfosys & have got amazing results with our blog.

This encouraged us to try this strategy with our SEO clients & we got the same results for them too. However, it didn’t happen suddenly. It took more than a month to get ripen fruits with our blog. We tried and tested various different ideas and have finally come up with infallible strategy that ensures you that your website traffic will double up in less than one month with your on-site blog. You don’t have to do much hard work for it except generating quality content.

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Ready Reference OnPage SEO Checklist By Smartinfosys

Category:Search Engine Optimization


Onpage optimization is quite necessary aspect of SEO. Before you start implementing changes on your website, you will have to pass through a painstaking process of onpage audit. Though it is quite complex to perform an onpage SEO audit on your own, an arranged list of necessary checks can help you a lot in defining the impactive trajectory for your SEO plan. It all starts with your website itself.

Working at Smartinfosys for ground breaking SEO audits, I have learnt very brilliant ways to assess a website. So without wasting a minute, here’s your onPage SEO checklist. You can refer this for performing a comprehensive audit. I have also listed all helpful resources here which will help you go through the process without any hassle, if you are a novice in SEO.

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Alexa Top 100: What Makes These Websites So Successful

Category:Internet Marketing

Your website can also be the one as famous as a Hollywood star. Or even more.

However, it takes lots of efforts and few infallible characteristics that appeal the wide gamut of billions of Internet users. Working through my Internet marketing career of few years, I have learned some really helpful tactics that can bring your website an enormous success.  

What are those characteristics? What is the proof that they really work?

I have the answer. But you will have to read this post fully to find it out. As a part of my pursuit for ultimate Internet success, I have many times wondered what was it that made Google to be most visited website & Facebook, that is merely a social networking site, to rank on number 2 beating so many previously reputed websites?  

As a treasure of that quest, I have analyzed Top 100 Alexa ranked websites and derived few simple conclusions that may be useful to you to get idea of what works exceptionally in highly competitive world of Internet. So here we go:

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11 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Better SEO

Category:Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization can be a tedious task for WordPress blogs with lots of content. Either presently or supposedly in future, as your blog grows larger in content, you will find it much harder to manage it for SEO.

For example, with already hundreds of posts over your blog, interlinking can be much confusing as you have to find out related post manually & link to it in your current post.

Though a smart person, called SEO, won’t ever fear from this complexity as he knows that there is always a better way to manage your WordPress blog. All you have to do is, find the best plugins for different purposes & your SEO stress will be reduced almost to the half!

11 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Better SEO

WordPress SEO Plugins | img:

However, If you don’t want to pass through painstaking hours of research for WordPress plug-ins that can serve you for better SEO, here is a list you should follow completely:

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6 Most Effective Local SEO Traits

Category:Search Engine Optimization


When you are targeting the global market, you have tons of competition & so many hard milestones to reach. As we all know, to be in top results for global queries, you have to be a renowned brand with too many back-links and high reputation.

However, for local businesses, the scenario is quite different. When you have a limited particular area to target with your business, you can reach to top of search engine results comparatively easily. Search engine optimization for targeting particular regions is called local SEO.

With local SEO, you get more chances to win online market for particular region. As mobile devices and search engine capabilities are now fairly improved, targeted search results have became functionally more accurate & useful. On the other side, wise execution of local SEO strategy can put your business to top of search engine results and give you constant targeted traffic. At, we have done local SEO for more than 50 different companies & fetched their search results in Google top 5s.

As an extracted juice of that hard-earned sweat, here are few brilliant points that you should consider to rank your business highest with local SEO:


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