How To Use SEO In Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Oct 2017

Posted by: Category:Search Engine Optimization

The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves developing a website that is easy to categorize and find. SEO is an integral part of digital marketing strategies which helps to drive customers to your business through a web portal. With businesses moving beyond national boundaries Yellow pages and Telemarketing have become outdated methods. With thousands and millions of searches conducted every second and every month respectively, there would be a reasonable chunk of people searching for the same services which you offer. So, becoming visible in search rankings or SERP has become the need of the hour. And to maintain that position is a different question altogether. SEO gives opportunities of substantial levels of free advertising; it would make your website rank primarily in the initial pages of SERP, and provide reasonably good ROI.

As said earlier SEO is a small part of Digital Marketing and requires research work for working out an SEO strategy:

  • Selecting A Target Market– Market has evolved and so has digital marketing tactics. Competitors are hitting the bull in the eye and amidst this you cannot afford a hit and trial method of promoting your products and services. SEO today is about grabbing potential customers who have genuine interests in your offerings. Take time out to study your target markets and fine tune your SEO efforts on that group only.
  • Mobile Outnumbered Desktop Users– Optimization is all about creating a website that fits this new style of online browsing. If potential customers are looking for you, using their mobile devices then make sure that you provide a quality user experience with a responsive website in place.
  • Search Engine Explosion – There are various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Firefox, Bing so one’s SEO efforts should target all these browsers and not only a single market leader.
  • Keyword vs “Keywords”– Instead of using a single keyword and praying for magic of instant results one should be prudent enough to make a possible list of keywords which the customers might tap into the web browsers to search one’s business offerings. Certain keywords may get many hits but it is not the numbers that count but the ROI they generate.
  • Content Is The King– A simple website with ease of navigation and relevant information is the key to write your success stories. More than the looks of the website the feel (UX) and the content presented are important points that matter. Each page of website should be built around keyword themes to help in the crawling process to get rankings higher.
  • Quality links– The more better the link building exercise done the better will be the search engine ranking. Posting links on relevant sites will drive potential traffic to the website.

SEO ranking is a patient effort, just as Rome was not built in a day, neither successful marketing efforts shall start giving results that soon. It all calls for a consistency in persistence of efforts that will help your business to take a huge leap on your competitors and enjoy the sweet fruits of success.

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