Key Parameters To Consider While Learning Social Media Marketing

Dec 2019

Posted by: Category:Internet Marketing

Social Media is the most important tool in the marketing arsenal and using it judiciously will drive traffic to your website and increase conversions. Data has it that today some 90% youth are on Social Media and targeting them is the key aim of SMM. It is not before long that SMM becomes a revered tool to increase the marketing strategy for the desired product.

Key Parameters To Consider While Learning Social Media Marketing

Here is a checklist of special resources that resonate while making a robust brand impact. So key to optimization tips include:

Targeting a specific audience:

In case you know intuitively who your target audience is, you need to reach out to them with specific content but if you are unaware of your target audience, you will need to etch out the brand persona of your audience. Audience persona is a deep dive into their demographics including their interests, fears, needs and behavior. Armed with this data, you can opt for any one of the SMM platforms to open up communication channels with your audience. For instance:

  • Instagram: 32%
  • Twitter: 24%
  • Facebook: 14%
  • Snapchat: 13%
  • Tumblr: 4%

Define goals and objectives:

The top three goals for your small and medium businesses in your marketing plan could take on any of the following hues:

  • Building brand voice (74%)
  • Driving website traffic (53%)
  • Lead generation ( 41%)


Having set your goals, you need to determine the spend that you can allocate towards your social media strategy (SMM)
The share of the overall marketing budget devoted to SMM on an average is expected to increase from 10% to 25% in the coming five years.

Funds will be needed to be poured in:

  • Your campaign portfolio
  • Paid social media promotions
  • Social Media Marketing tools
  • Google Analytics

Social Media Engagement Tools:

You can use these tools for getting content that resonates with the audience

Blog aggregator tools:

Use a tool like Feedly to gather all your blogs in one place for sharing easily with the audience from one platform.

Social Media Automation Tools:

Use tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer to time your content to reach your audience at earthly hours and optimum times. You can analyze your results.


Once you are done with who is going to run your campaign and the tools that will be used to create campaigns, it’s time to research your goals.

The content you post should ring true with your audience and find some relevant blog posts to share your message with the user. Try tools such as Buzzsumo from where you can have your pick of blog titles and relevant blog posts in line with your product niche.

The time you select to post on SMM tools also need some thought. Posting of content also is a function of your Social Media Platform.

Picking Your Social Media Platform:

You can strike a presence on all platforms but this will be to no avail. Hence it is best to come alive on platforms considering the target users and do not spread yourself too thin. Justify yourself by choosing the ideal SMM Platform to direct your blogs and content.

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