Long Term SEO Strategy- A Must Have!!

Oct 2017

Posted by: Category:Search Engine Optimization

Every business works for survival and profits. Never can be the goal of any business to shut down and exit from market. And sustenance & survival requires long term efforts from all departments specially the marketing department as they are the face of the company, being the closest link to the customers. The marketing executives better understand customer sentiments, their preferences, the value of customer’s money and most importantly how can a customer be convinced. The scenario marketing has evolved from out bound techniques to Digital Marketing of which SEO is just a small part. But, since fruits of hard work are reaped in the long run same ways SEO strategy must be designed with a long-term vision.


Search Engine Optimization activities are the center focus of all your digital marketing strategy. Digital marketers across the globe are realizing the importance of page ranking, optimal visibility of the website and to have higher search engine rankings. But, many a marketer’s lack in the understanding of what SEO actually is? What are its strategies? What are the techniques of SEO? The importance of link building in SEO? What are local listings? What are link building activities?

Doing a strategic planning of SEO calls for a thorough understanding of the afore mentioned questions along with projecting the long-term goals of your organization. SEO efforts encompass the following:

  • Social media marketing
  • Content writing
  • Pay per click
  • Email campaigning

Going local – Most businesses believe in capturing the local markets first before plunging to international markets. Local SEO relates to exploring the local market potential for your products and services. The benefits of a long term local SEO are:

  • Lower overheads cost
  • Lower marketing and advertising expenditure
  • Faster delivery of product and services
  • Quick after sales support and much more

While preparing the plan you have taken into consideration various local SEO factors such as customer preferences, local culture, habits your competitor marketing strategy, local laws and regulations etc. In such a situation the services of a local SEO expert come very useful. They are specialized in this sector and offer the desired results. They can help you in offering a perfect local SEO guide for long-term sales and marketing strategy for your business.

Mobile Friendly Website – This has become the need of the hour in today’s time, as going mobile friendly is the present and future. Today everyone is hooked to their smart phones most of the times either to pay bills, make online purchases or simply to browse.

Content Is King – The benefits of a content rich website cannot be undervalued if your goal is to rank higher in search engine pages. Give your customers informative, knowledgeable data so that they keep coming to your site.

Voice Search – After a responsive site this is going to be the new future for search by most of us. The available options today are Siri, Cortana and Google Now. Keep searching and implementing the new trends to survive in the long run.

SEO Audit – Keep checking the online health of your website from time to time to see its performance and reviews. The main benefits of SEO audit are:

  • Check the broken links
  • Check the broken images
  • Duplicate Content check
  • Titles
  • Meta descriptions length
  • Search engine crawling of your website
  • Number of pages indexed

Long term planning requires patience on the part of companies, as expenses are sure to be incurred but revenues flow later. If the marketing efforts are right and consistently performed then there shall be no looking back for the organizations.

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