Tag Archives: Traffic Building

How To Increase Your Site Traffic By 55% With On-Site Blog

Jul 2014

Posted by: Category:Internet Marketing


Getting more traffic is the forefront challenge for any website over the Internet. There are millions of websites in web-o-sphere and among them, thousands are your competitors targeting the same audience in your niche. So what to do? How to get out of the rat race and make sure that your website outperforms all your competitors.

Fortunately there is a way. Blog.

It is proven that blog can increase your traffic up to 55%. Due to emerging Internet trends and agonizing search algorithms emphasizing on informative nature of websites, it has became quite necessary for every single website to have an on-site blog to get higher rank and more exposure in terms of online traffic. We ourselves have tried it at Smartinfosys & have got amazing results with our blog.

This encouraged us to try this strategy with our SEO clients & we got the same results for them too. However, it didn’t happen suddenly. It took more than a month to get ripen fruits with our blog. We tried and tested various different ideas and have finally come up with infallible strategy that ensures you that your website traffic will double up in less than one month with your on-site blog. You don’t have to do much hard work for it except generating quality content.

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4 Social Sharing Sites You Can’t Afford To Ignore

Mar 2014

Posted by: Category:Internet Marketing


Sitting idle in hope of getting an instant hit, after writing a ravishing post on your site or blog, can easily be the most unwanted mistake you ever made. However, thanks to social bookmarking websites, you get lots of ways to make your content famous instantly on publishing it. There are some social sharing websites which you must know if you want to get more visitors and more hike for your blog/website & if you don’t want your website to lose a big part of its attention grabbing potential!

From our years of experience in SEO & SMM, here are four best social sharing websites and HOW TOs to make maximum use of them. This social sharing websites are either heavily beneficial to traffic or SEO for your website/blog.

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How To Get First 100 Visitors With Your Latest Content

Feb 2014

Posted by: Category:Search Engine Optimization


Completion of a great new piece of content makes you feel so good. Doesn’t it? It makes you feel like a celebrity. But getting your “star post” falling on its head with merely dozens of visitors is too much disappointing at the same time, especially for a well-expected post. However, it doesn’t have to be the same ever again.

Here are few best tips to get your first 100 visitors on launching a new piece of content. By following this tips carefully, your brilliant content will never strive for visitors again, and if it is good enough, it will also give your website continuous flow of committed visitors for long term. So here we go:

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