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Number of total image submissions done as a part of service
Maximum number of images to be included in image submission
High PR sites such as Pinterest, Stumbleupon & other
Inclusion of relevant keywords in image title
Inclusion of relevant keywords & phrases in image description
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total image submissions done as a part of service
Maximum number of images to be included in image submission
High PR sites such as Pinterest, Stumbleupon & other
Inclusion of relevant keywords in image title
Inclusion of relevant keywords & phrases in image description
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total image submissions done as a part of service
Maximum number of images to be included in image submission
High PR sites such as Pinterest, Stumbleupon & other
Inclusion of relevant keywords in image title
Inclusion of relevant keywords & phrases in image description
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total image submissions done as a part of service
Maximum number of images to be included in image submission
High PR sites such as Pinterest, Stumbleupon & other
Inclusion of relevant keywords in image title
Inclusion of relevant keywords & phrases in image description
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total image submissions done as a part of service
Maximum number of images to be included in image submission
High PR sites such as Pinterest, Stumbleupon & other
Inclusion of relevant keywords in image title
Inclusion of relevant keywords & phrases in image description
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total image submissions done as a part of service
Maximum number of images to be included in image submission
High PR sites such as Pinterest, Stumbleupon & other
Inclusion of relevant keywords in image title
Inclusion of relevant keywords & phrases in image description
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
With photo sharing sites becoming so popular, it is advisable to make much out of photos as a part of website promotion. Search engines crawl photos along with the content of web pages and are observed in search results pages. The photos are as powerful as content in generating votes, views & traffic for websites. Google image search feature is a favored advantage for webmasters to make the most of photo sharing sites for website marketing.
Photo sharing is more effective and efficient way to promote your websites by following the SEO measures of image optimization. Alt tags are textual content of image and we optimize the photos with relevant alt tags and then submit them to photo sharing sites.
It is proven that visual content is more beneficial than textual content. As Visual content is more visible and appealing to most users online, we have mastered the technique of photo sharing to achieve the best result. Pinterest is the best example of how photo sharing is effective for SEO.
There are various things to keep in mind while doing photo sharing, hence it is advisable to hire SEO professionals who provide quality photo sharing services. For the ultimate output, consider for photo sharing services. Contact us or click on chat icon to discuss your business needs and we will be glad to help you with our photo sharing services.
Photos can spread easily, virally and socially. In photo sharing, we upload photos related to client’s business on popular photo sharing platforms where lots of people arrive every day and surf through a huge stock of photos uploaded by other users. Generally these photos are what people find interesting. On finding some photo interesting, people can share them or like them. You can give direct source link of these photos and increase their popularity along with quality backlinks to your site.
Photo sharing platforms also allow adding some image info like website URL, alt text, picture description, search keywords etc. An attractive photo will hold user onto it for at least few moments and if user finds it interesting, he/she may click on the website link to find more similar photos. Thus in turn will generate a permanent back link and add more interested visitors to your website. This is particularly more effective for businesses similar to photography, magazines, DIYs, designing, arts, architecture etc. where visuals matter the most.
No, not necessarily. Photo sharing is merely a step to get a quality back link and get interested visitors to your website. But after clicking your website link, user may still stick onto it if it has enough amount of interesting or useful content on it.
In most cases, you can’t use other websites' photos for business promotion purposes or even merely for sharing without authors’ legal permission as it is a matter of copyright infringement. It is advisable to use your original and relevant photos that are of interest to users.
From SEO point of view, the best photo sharing sites are high PR sites which have a large public reach and where sharing is easy. We have a large list of selective websites and registered accounts on photo sharing platforms like Picasa, Flickr and so on. We assure that our photo sharing efforts are totally aligned with clients’ SEO campaigns.
Assuming that you share a photo and bunch of people will see it, like it and share it is just a fairy tale as photo sharing sites have loads of photos already dominating the social market. While sharing a photo you have to add proper meta tags, name photos uniquely, and give a call-to-action by writing a compelling title for it and much more. You can't achieve all this without prior knowledge of SEO tactics. So, you can save your time and efforts by hiring SEO experts sharing photos on behalf of you.
Well, there is no rule of thumb about that. Right photo at right place can always bring lots of users. Otherwise it is just a way to leave your link on that website. Photos are especially more useful for publicizing businesses with visual elements like art gallery, magazines, photography, history museums etc. It may be less useful for sites like online math teaching, laundry services etc. Overall, if you want to just SEO, it is useful for all businesses and if you want traffic, then you will need visually stunning or awe inspiring photos that are relevant to your business and can be made viral.
We provide different packages as per your needs. Kindly refer our package selection page in photo sharing category for more details.
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Site Copyright 2000-.
All contents are registered property of WebConnect Private Limited. is a brand owned by WebConnect (P) Ltd., a registered company under Indian Companies Act 1956.