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Number of total social bookmarks done as part of service
Number of stories with different titles, descriptions and keywords for your site
100% compliant with Google Penguin & Google Panda updates
Inclusion of only high PR, do-follow, quality social bookmarking websites for submission
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total social bookmarks done as part of service
Number of stories with different titles, descriptions and keywords for your site
100% compliant with Google Penguin & Google Panda updates
Inclusion of only High PR trustful social bookmarking websites for submission
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total social bookmarks done as part of service
Number of stories with different titles, descriptions and keywords for your site
100% compliant with Google Penguin & Google Panda updates
Inclusion of only High PR trustful social bookmarking websites for submission
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total social bookmarks done as part of service
Number of stories with different titles, descriptions and keywords for your site
100% compliant with Google Penguin & Google Panda updates
Inclusion of only High PR trustful social bookmarking websites for submission
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total social bookmarks done as part of service
Number of stories with different titles, descriptions and keywords for your site
100% compliant with Google Penguin & Google Panda updates
Inclusion of only High PR trustful social bookmarking websites for submission
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Number of total social bookmarks done as part of service
Number of stories with different titles, descriptions and keywords for your site
100% compliant with Google Penguin & Google Panda updates
Inclusion of only High PR trustful social bookmarking websites for submission
Frequency of detailed activity reports/feedback sent
Number of days taken for completion
Increase your online presence with the most effective method of SEO. Social bookmarking boost your website’s search engine ranking by increasing link popularity of your keywords. Our SEO team is highly knowledgeable and they constantly upgrade its knowledge to stay tune to the latest trends of SEO. We ensure that we follow ethical SEO methods by avoiding the use of automated social bookmarking submission software.
Social bookmarking submission is what you can easily do it yourself. But there is a lot more behind that easy task. Making a well optimized title, description and targeted meta keyword, finding a relevant social bookmarking site, digging deep for searching the most relevant category is the actual task that needs attention & care. Rest assured by placing an order for social bookmarking services at and we will do it all for you. is committed to deliver high quality backlinks to your site and help you achieve higher rankings on search engines for your targeted content.
Social bookmarking makes it easy to share your webpages, which can ultimately increase your ranking. It is just like saving your favourite or useful website in your browser. In social bookmarking services, you can tag a website and save it online instead of saving it in a browser to share with others.
We increase your visibility by bookmarking your webpage. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & other social networking sites are playing a major role in establishing brand image these days. By bookmarking your content in social bookmarking sites, you can easily share it on all leading social networking websites. We submit your bookmark in high PR bookmarking platforms such as Stumbleupon, Reddit, Newsvine, Digg, Delicious, Fark, Bibsonomy, Jumptags, Bizsugar, etc.
At, we are fully equipped with experienced SEO experts who are well versed in choosing the well optimized title, keyword tags and meta description for social bookmarking submission. Every bookmarking site has its own method of adding bookmark to it so it needs proper planning to execute a fruitful social bookmarking campaign. Properly & well executed bookmarking campaign will reap you results in shorter period of time. Hire our professional SEO experts for effective social bookmarking campaign of your business.
Social bookmarking means bookmarking and sharing the content publicly. Social bookmarking sites are websites wherein users submit URLs and details of web pages which they find interesting, useful or worth sharing. Other users can find those pages, share them with connected people, like them and dislike them. Generally, social bookmarking sites have various types of categories for bookmarked pages and users can go to categories of their interest and find related pages there.
No. Social bookmarking is completely a different concept. Pages you bookmark on your computer are limited to your own computer whereas social bookmarking allows you to share your favorite webpages or bookmarks on web publicly.
Social bookmarking is a white hat SEO link building technique wherein we share and bookmark pages from your website. Sharing your page links on social platforms publicly will generate high quality backlinks to your site. Due to interesting user generated content, social bookmarking sites are generally rated higher by search engines. Apart from high quality backlinks, these websites drive targeted traffic to your site.
We never use any software for social bookmarking as it is considered as unethical search optimization tactic. We always carry out social bookmarking manually in which we add unique titles, descriptions and keywords in such a way that they seem more interesting and natural.
We will provide you with reports of all submissions done along with date of submission, generated links and all required details.
In terms of social bookmarking, quality means bookmarking a site in a way that it looks natural, drive targeted user traffic and generate user interest. For this, we create interesting titles, compelling descriptions, relevant keywords and add them in most suitable category.
Yes. You will be provided with related account details and email address details if you need it.
No. Generally you are not required to confirm submissions. Our webmasters will confirm submission emails regularly so that confirmation period is not expired before approval of submission. For some high quality websites that don't accept email addresses from different domains, you may need to confirm emails. We can also do it for you if access to your website's admin mail account is granted.
At yourSEOpick, our SEO experts create compelling & unique post for bookmarking. We give our best to get all the posts approved but sometimes moderators may reject submissions depending on several factors. So we always assure higher approval rates of submitted posts.
The answer is “may be”. Depending upon site policies and link popularity, your submitted links may be permanent or temporary. Older submitted links with less number of votes are deleted automatically from time to time. If users don't find links to your website much interesting, it may not stay there for longer time.
No. Once submitted, you can't modify or delete shared links. Almost all social bookmarking sites don't allow editing and deletion of submitted links.
There is no rule of thumb for submitting links to bookmarking web sites. But we prefer to submit only those pages which are somehow relevant to some categories. If link is not relevant and looks like a publicity page, it will be deleted & account might get banned by moderators. Generally pages like contact us, about us, testimonials etc are considered as spam. So these type of pages are not submitted for link building.
We provide different packages for different client needs. Kindly refer our package selection page for more details.
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Site Copyright 2000-.
All contents are registered property of WebConnect Private Limited. is a brand owned by WebConnect (P) Ltd., a registered company under Indian Companies Act 1956.