Empowering Your Social Media Presence: A Guide to Adding Admin Rights

Dec 2023

Posted by: Category:Digital Marketing

Social Media Presence - SmartinfosysIn the ever-evolving realm of social media, effective management of accounts is paramount for a thriving online presence. Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or content creator, the delegation of social media tasks to a dedicated team is indispensable. The central part of this process is giving admin rights, which is important for giving your team more power and making operations go smoothly. In this blog post, we will talk about the importance of admin rights and give you a step-by-step guide on how to give administrative privileges across different social media platforms.

The Significance of Admin Rights:

Admin rights, short for administrative rights, refer to the elevated permissions granted to users, allowing them to perform specific tasks and manage various aspects of an account. In the context of social media, having admin rights is vital for several reasons:

Team Collaboration:

Admin rights enable team members to collaborate seamlessly. Multiple people can contribute to content creation, scheduling posts, and engaging with the audience without sharing login credentials.

Task Delegation:

Assigning admin rights allows you to delegate specific responsibilities to team members based on their roles and expertise. For instance, one person may handle content creation, while another manages analytics.

Security and Accountability:

Admin rights help maintain account security by controlling access levels. Additionally, they allow for better accountability, as each team member’s actions can be traced back to their specific account.

Efficient Crisis Management:

In case of emergencies or unexpected events, having designated admins ensures that someone can take immediate action, such as addressing issues, disabling compromised accounts, or communicating with the audience.

Adding Admin Rights on Social Media Platforms:

Social Media Platforms - Smartinfosys Now, let’s delve into the step-by-step process of adding admin rights on some popular social media platforms:

1. Facebook:

To give someone Facebook access to a Page in the new Pages experience:

  • Log in to Facebook, then click your profile photo in the top right.
  • Click See all profiles, then select the Page that you want to switch to.
  • Click your Page’s profile picture in the top right to go to your Page.
  • Click Manage, then click Page Access on the left below Your tools.
  • Next to People with Facebook access, click Add New.
  • Click Next, type the name or email address of the person you want to give Facebook access to, then click their name.
  • From here, you can choose to give the person Facebook access with full control or partial control:
  • To give Facebook access with partial control: Scroll down, then click Give Access.
  • To give Facebook access with full control: Scroll down, click to allow this person to have full control, then click Give Access.
  • Type your Facebook password, then click Confirm.

The person will receive an email to accept your invitation to access your Page.

2. X (previously Twitter):

To give access to your X (previously Twitter) account (not your ad account), you’ll need to:

1. Log in to your X (Twitter) account

2. Click on More

  • Manage X (previously Twitter) account

3. Click on Settings and Support

  • Select Settings and privacy
  • X (previously Twitter) settings and support

4. Click Security and account access

5. Click Delegate

  • Grant account access X (previously Twitter)

6. Select Invite a member

  • Invite a member to X

7. Search the X (previously Twitter) handle of the person you want to invite.

  • Enter account name

8. Click the name when it comes up

9. Select access level:

  • Contributor (access to post Tweets, create lists, view direct messages, posts & lists) or
  • Admin (can manage team & all contributor permissions & analytics access)
  • Select access level

10. Click Send invite

11. You will see this screen:

  • Invite sent
  • The person you added will receive an email like this where they can review and approve the invite.

3. Instagram:

First, navigate to the Facebook Meta Business Suite by logging into Facebook Manager.
From there, you click open your Business Manager settings, clicking to open the ‘people’ section. This will open up the dashboard where you can see all the users linked to your account – whether they have employee access, analyst access, or are your current admins.

Updating roles in this section is a breeze, which is something to keep in mind if you want to add an admin from your existing users. You can update the status of existing users to admin by clicking on their names and updating their roles.

Otherwise, click the ‘add new’ button if you are adding a new user. When prompted, input their work email address, then select ‘admin access’ when given a choice of roles.
Click next, send the invite, and – when they accept the request, you will have multiple admins on Instagram.

4. LinkedIn:

To add a new admin:

  • Go to your Page super admin view.
  • Click Settings in the left menu and select Manage Admins.
  • Click the Page Admins or Paid Media Admins tab.
  • Click the Add Admin button.
  • Enter the name of the member, associated employee, or advertiser you’d like to add in the Search for a member field.
  • Select the admin’s name from the list that appears.
  • Select the required admin role. Only one-page admin role can be assigned per person, but more than one paid media admin role can be assigned. Paid media admin roles can be granted without an associated Campaign Manager ads account.
  • Click Save.

Tips for Admin Rights Management:

Two-Factor Authentication - Smartinfosys1. Regularly Review Permissions:

  • Periodically review and update admin permissions to align with changes in team structure or responsibilities.
  • Remove individuals who no longer require admin access to maintain account security.

2. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

  • Enable two-factor authentication for added security, ensuring that even with admin rights, unauthorized access remains challenging.

3. Document Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Document each team member’s role and responsibilities within the social media management team.
  • Maintain an updated guide for onboarding new team members, outlining their access levels and tasks.

4. Establish a Crisis Communication Plan:

  • Develop a crisis communication plan that designates specific admins responsible for handling emergencies.
  • Conduct regular drills to ensure the team is prepared to respond effectively in critical situations.

5. Educate Admins on Best Practices:

  • Provide training sessions or resources to educate admins on best practices for social media management, including content creation, engagement strategies, and crisis communication.

6. Utilize Platform-Specific Tools:

  • Explore platform-specific tools and features that facilitate admin collaboration and task management.
  • Leverage analytics tools to track admin activities and measure the impact of social media efforts.

7. Set Clear Communication Channels:

  • Establish clear communication channels among admins to facilitate quick decision-making and coordination.
  • Use collaborative platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams for efficient communication within the team.

8. Monitor Changes and Alerts:

  • Enable notifications for significant changes to the account, such as adding or removing admins.
  • Regularly monitor alerts and updates from the social media platforms regarding security and account management.


Adding admin rights for social media accounts is a strategic move to enhance collaboration, security, and efficiency. By following the outlined steps on platforms like Facebook, X (previously Twitter), Instagram, and LinkedIn, you can empower your team to contribute effectively to your social media success. Remember to review and update admin permissions regularly to align with your team’s roles and responsibilities. With the right admin setup, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic world of social media and elevate your online presence.

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