How to Optimize Your Shopify E-Commerce Product Pages for SEO?

Feb 2023

Posted by: Category:Internet Marketing

 E-Commerce Product Pages

In today’s digital age, it takes more than building an attractive E-Commerce store to generate more traffic and make more sales. Choosing the right platform like Shopify is a good start, but you must optimize your product page to rank high on search engines. You generate more traffic to your eCommerce store if you can rank higher. This invariably leads to increased sales.

How to Optimize Your Shopify E-Commerce Product Pages for SEO

There are benefits to optimizing your Shopify eCommerce product pages for SEO. SEO ensures that your store ranks higher on search engines while increased traffic is also generated. Below are ways through which you can optimize the product pages of your E-Commerce store for SEO:

1. Find keywords

Find keywords

There are some things to consider when creating a product page. The relevance of your product to those searching for it is the most important thing here. The keywords you use must be relevant and commonly associated with the product. People are more likely to click on your site in the search engine results pages (SERP) when you use relevant keywords with high search volume.

In addition to using keywords with high search volume, you should also look for low-competition ones. Combine these two and put them in your content’s description, title tags, and meta description.

2. Use alt text to optimize images

Use alt text to optimize images

Every E-Commerce product page needs images because they are very important. Customers can visualize and better understand your product with clean and appropriate images. From the image, customers can also get information about the product before making a purchase.

However, there are instances where some people are unable to view these images because of a disability. Some disabilities can prevent these people from seeing images correctly or in high quality. As a result, using alt text to describe the image rather than the default text can help. Your customers should find the alt text descriptive and helpful.

Furthermore, the alt text should also describe the colors displayed by the image. It is also important that your alt text contains relevant keywords so that search engines can easily find your images. Avoid stuffing keywords but weave them together with the image’s description.

3. Build quality backlinks

Boosting authority is another important factor you should incorporate into your eCommerce product pages. This can be done when you build backlinks from high-authority sources. Google’s algorithm considers backlinks among many factors while ranking pages. In other words, building high-quality backlinks will help people find your eCommerce website.

However, you should not just build backlinks from any website, even if they have high authority. Rather, consider other factors like website relevance and traffic. Having more links from relevant sources will positively impact your rankings. Analyzing the backlinks of your competitor is the best strategy for finding backlinks.

4. Improve website loading speed

It would help if you did all you could to ensure that your eCommerce product pages load faster. When you have a page that loads quickly, it affects customer satisfaction and conversion rates positively. The loading time of a website is among the factors used to determine how well search engines rank a website.

Different ways to improve your website’s loading time include;

  • optimizing videos and photos,
  • removing unnecessary scripts and images from your page,
  • compressing JavaScript files and CSS, and
  • using browser cache.

It also helps when you use a good host. For this reason, you should choose a dedicated host over a shared host.

5. Add metadata

The information used to identify or describe a digital resource is metadata. There are many uses for metadata, such as SEO to categorize web pages or E-Commerce to provide product information like size, name, and description.

One of the most crucial components of an E-Commerce site’s SEO is product metadata because it facilitates customers to find the product they are looking for. Also, metadata aids search engines in indexing your website and elevating its placement in SERPs.

Tags, titles, and descriptions can be used when uploading your products to the website. Alternatively, you can use a simple search and replace function in your E-Commerce platform backend. Most E-Commerce platforms make adding simple without tweaking with HTML or code.

6. Optimize for mobile viewers

Given the rise in mobile usage, it is necessary to optimize product pages for mobile users. An E-Commerce store must be mobile optimized because more and more customers are looking at products on their tablets and smartphones. Spending is higher among mobile device users than desktop device users.

This is one of the factors that the algorithm takes into account when determining rankings. Making a website accessible from all devices, anywhere, and at any time is essential for a successful mobile E-Commerce site. This can be accomplished by using a responsive design layout and ensuring that all your content is available on a single page.

7. Create short URLs

The URL’s keywords let Google know what the page is about. For this reason, you should include your main keyword in the URL optimization process.

Don’t just use the URLs your content management system (CMS) generates automatically. They frequently include words that need to be more relevant and could harm the effectiveness of your page.


Your E-Commerce store’s product pages are one of the most important components. It would be beneficial if you optimized them both for conversion and SEO. As a result of optimizing them for SEO, you will be able to generate more traffic to your site. You can increase sales by using conversion rate optimization (CRO). To create your page, keep both in mind.

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