Tag Archives: Good Package Design

Elements Of A Strong Corporate Identity

Oct 2015

Posted by: Category:Graphic Design

Corporate identity is about creating an identity for a company which is unique and helps you differentiate from other companies. A company will want to have a strong corporate identity as it will give brand preference, brand enhancement, customer loyalty and most importantly; a unique identity for itself.

Elements of a Strong Corporate Identity

There are three important components which create a strong corporate identity:

  1. Visual Images: What’s the first thing that you remember when you think about a brand? It’s definitely the logo of the brand. This is the main element which creates a strong identity of the brand. Along with the logo design of your company there are elements like brochures, envelopes, letterheads, website and other marketing and stationery materials which helps the company get a unique and a precise identity. Right brand colours and fonts helps in communicating the right message.
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4 Best Ways To Find Creative Design Ideas

Apr 2014

Posted by: Category:Graphic Design


That’s something every graphic designer will love to be.

But we all, being humans, have some limitations of ideation. Generating new & creative ideas is obviously the most challenging task for everyone who is professional graphic designer. Similar to “writer’s block”, graphic designers also face “designer’s block”-that is lack of innovative ideas due to overwhelmed mind! So what’s the cure?

You may try taking rest & refreshing mind with the stuff you like, but that doesn’t guarantee new & creative ideas. As a professional designer, working at YourDesignPick, I also face the same problem but luckily, we are trained for creativity. All I advice you is to develop a mindset of designer- a mind that finds inspiration from EVERYWHERE!

As the first step, hereby i will be sharing with you our 10 cool ways to find design inspirations for your graphic design. I am sure, it will help a lot!

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